Plot ⤋

Vi befinder os i en fiktiv by, kaldet Di Morga, som er beliggen i Frankrig. Dette sted, vrimler med forskellige væsner, hvis eksistens er ukendt for den omgivende verden, der ikke er klar over de mange racer der befinder sig i verdenen udover nogle typiske mere kendte: Vampyrer og Varulve. I denne by lever de forskellige væsner side om side med hinanden. Dette resulterer i forskellige slag imellem disse, som ofte leder til et større tumult i byen. Tidsperioden er i vor nutid, placeret i Frankrig.

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Came to play again? - Sidney

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Came to play again? - Sidney Empty Came to play again? - Sidney

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 28 Dec 2013 - 1:08

Everything is to be found in the topic

December was coming to an end, and with it another year.
Years didn't matter much to him anymore, not since he had become a vampire, years was more like a thing that just when on, hell he didn't even care why humans sometimes had created time, but humans had to have something to look foreword to in a way, even when it was the small things like a new year.

He went out into the early hours of the evening not knowing of what would happen that night, every night was like new night, but as soon as he stepped outside the hotel the air meet him, no scent of blood or murder, but the night was young and many things could still happen before the night would come to an end. It was a fast walk for him, walking out to the old abandon amusement park at the end of town, the place had been shot down for years and it didn't seem like new life would come and claim new life to the place. Getting in was the easy part, he had the power to break a lock with the blink of the eye, he went inside and walk down along the road, looking at the old attractions that had once been full of light, life and sound, it was gone, never coming back again but it even a park like this one still had it ghost, and if not, then he just had to add some to it.

Moving on down to the local plaza he soon found himself in the center of the park, it was dark but that didn't matter much to him since he was a vampire, no everything was like in pure daylight to his eyes, and he could even see it all in color, looking around he soon found out that there was load of shops and cafes in this part of the park, they had all be left like the park had just shot down without any warning at all, chairs, tables and other things stood like they had never been moved at all, but he knew well that the place had an old past and for some reason everyone had to leave and never come back again.

It was like the park didn't want the guest to begin with and so it was abandon like that, but some people still came here even with everything out of order they still came to have fun on the attractions, it was easy to see that someone had been playing around over time, hell he even wanted to in some way..


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Came to play again? - Sidney Empty Sv: Came to play again? - Sidney

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 28 Dec 2013 - 19:10

December was finally coming to an end, and soon, the New Year would be over everyone, but the creatures of the night didn’t really seem to care, they were already more than the silly humans wandering around in the dark streets. The streets were nearly empty this night… No one was around, and it didn’t seem like there would get any people out to play this night. What a shame really, since many of the night children surely could use some new toys.

A smile came across his lips as he walked through the town. His target was set, he wanted to go to the old amusement park, since he knew there usually was people who broke in at the place. It had been a while since his last bite, the real deal, instead of the bottle of blood he had at home. He looked at the amusement parks gate and noticed the lock already was broke up, he knew it.. A slightly sadistic smile came across his lips before kicking the gate more open, walking inside. A smell of another vampire tickled his nose, it was familiar, like he smelled it before, but where. He looked around him, trying to locate the other blood sucker, he had to be inhere… He stopped as he spotted someone in the dark. He now knew what smell it was.. It was the vampire who already had beaten him up some time ago and he knew what he was capable of and honest… He didn’t want to experience that one more time.

He slightly started to walk another way, just to see if he could avoid seeing him into the eyes once more. He looked over his shoulder as he turned left on the road made in the amusement park, just to see if he noticed him being there. He teleported five meters longer down another road, it just looked like he vanished into nothing and then came up somewhere else. Slightly he looked over his shoulder, slightly smiling, as he couldn’t see the vampire, but the other vampire was surely aware of him, knew that he was there, which made him walk slightly faster through the park, trying to scan the area, seeing if there was something to dig his fangs into.


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Came to play again? - Sidney Empty Sv: Came to play again? - Sidney

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 29 Dec 2013 - 2:07

A sudden smell told him that he was not alone anymore, no another vampire was near, but not near enough to let him see who it was, yet the smell told him that it was a vampire that he had meet before in time, he turn around to see if the person had followed him in the darkness but no one was there at all. He snuffed for a moment before he moved on, he would very much like to run into the vampire yet it didn't seem like it was going to happen at the moment, he moved away from the many shopped and into the part of the park where one would find all of the horror houses and rides, it was creepy place but nothing like the bunker that he had been down into before, the abandon corpse and other left overs had always told him that humans had a small care for other none humans and he had also felt it on his own body long ago, like the time where he had become a vampire, he had never forgot her or what she had done that night, leaving him with nothing at all, he had almost killed of his people that night if she had been there to stop him.

He sighted for a moment as shot the memories out of his mind, he never liked to look back into that part of his life, it was just nothing more the a bad dream that he never woke up from, he looked at the road as he walked along with the horror house and he had thoughts about going inside just to see what it was that humans found so creepy about houses like this one, as a vampire he didn't really have much fear in life, the only real fear that was left was the sun and nothing else, fearless was what the vampire was in the immortal life.

He jumped over the line walk up to the start of the scare house, not thinking about the line since no one was there or the other vampire was but would he really follow him into this place, Dante would never know but it could have been a lot of fun if the vampire did so..


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Came to play again? - Sidney Empty Sv: Came to play again? - Sidney

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