Plot ⤋

Vi befinder os i en fiktiv by, kaldet Di Morga, som er beliggen i Frankrig. Dette sted, vrimler med forskellige væsner, hvis eksistens er ukendt for den omgivende verden, der ikke er klar over de mange racer der befinder sig i verdenen udover nogle typiske mere kendte: Vampyrer og Varulve. I denne by lever de forskellige væsner side om side med hinanden. Dette resulterer i forskellige slag imellem disse, som ofte leder til et større tumult i byen. Tidsperioden er i vor nutid, placeret i Frankrig.

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School! Empty School!

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 22 Jul 2010 - 23:01

A couple of years ago (2006-2007) I was studying in a boarding school, which was right across the other side of the country. This boarding school used to be an old hospice, mostly used to treat those who'd fought against the Germans after WWII, but I'm certain whether the grounds are older, since whatever's present there was not from this century. The boarding school was located on the edge of a forest with a 4-kilometre walk to the town.

Now, me and a friend of mine were both interested in the paranormal (me being a believer and my friend being a little sceptic), had heard rumours of the school or the school grounds being more or less haunted. One of the students claimed hearing weird noises, others were ready to use a Ouija board to find out what's going on there (a thing I advised them not to, yet they did it anyway - a story I might submit later), some claimed that 'something' was residing in a specific part of the school and that's what I'll tell about.

Me and my friend were in a specific part of the school, it was the library and some classrooms that was located there, it was early night and we were just chatting and having some fun when all the lights went out at the same time. First we reckoned that it must be because of trouble with the electricity, but when we looked out in the hall - nothing was wrong.

We just kept on talking and having fun until the fire door (a large heavy steel door) slammed. Both my friend and me tried to open it without success; it was as if someone held the door closed. Then the lights began to flicker and it became really cold. It felt to me as if someone gripped me from behind and breathed into my ears and both my friend and me heard the sound of bells (this said, there was 21⁄2 kilometres to nearest church and it sounded as if the bells was very close)... We finally managed to open the fire door and it all stopped. But since that episode the lights never worked and there was always cold in that part of the school.


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